The story revolves around the life of a girl named Rusty, who is born in an upper middle class white family, John and Linda in England. Living separate from her divorced mother and drunkard father, Rusty from her childhood starts having vague dreams about her being connected to India somehow. One day, she comes to know that she is a half-Indian and also that her mother, Linda had once been married to an Indian man, Randheer Deol, a Sikh, and Rusty is their daughter. After knowing the truth, Rusty decides to go to Punjab in search of her family. And fortunately she finds her family, but doesn't reveal the truth because she does not want to create a rift between her father and his wife, Mathura. But eventually Rusty's truth is revealed to the Deols.
At first they don't accept her but Rusty manages to cling to their hearts. Although everyone falls in love with Rusty after a while, her stepmother Mathura still hates her and pretends to be nice to her, and wants to take avenge by throwing.